
African ostrich
The largest and most amazing bird on Earth.

Alligator Mississippian
Lord of Florida's lakes and cypress swamps.
Annam walking stick
Grotesque appearance makes him a master of disguise.

Asian black bear
Agile tree climber, wintering in the hollows of large trees.

Asian Elephant
The elephant has an amazing organ that has no analogues in the animal world. It is the trunk.
Australian Blue Tree Frog
One of the largest tree frogs

Axis deer
Sika deer - Hua-Lu – this way in China they called spotted deer.
Bactrian camel
In a sandstorm and in a snowstorm will not go astray.

Barbary sheep
Deserted mountains, canyons and rocks - the native element of the maned ram.
A small, beautifully colored, few goose.

Black Swan
Australian antipode of the swans of the North, a graceful handsome man.

Blue Wildebeest
An ungainly-looking animal with a violent and obstinate disposition.

Blue-and-yellow macaw
The unique two-tone color makes it stand out among all parrots.

Brown Bear
The hero of many fairy tales and legends, a recognized symbol of power.

Brown Capuchin
Monkey of "Stone Age", master chopping nuts with stones.